TGS WK4 "This is Me"
Sermon Tone Analysis
“This is Me”
“This is Me”
John 4:1-2
1 Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John
2 (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples),
—> Jesus didn’t baptize anyone —> No pride from Jesus, no earthly status from Jesus
12 What I mean is that each one of you says, “I follow Paul,” or “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Cephas,” or “I follow Christ.”
13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,
15 so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name.
3 he left Judea and departed again for Galilee.
4 And he had to pass through Samaria.
John 4:
—> “had to pass through” —> didn’t have to pass through chose to pass through. the Jewish elite would go around Samaria at all costs but Jesus’ choses to separate from that culture and go through Samaria.
5 So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph.
6 Jacob’s well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour.
—> 6th hour was noon/mid day. It was hot and a desolate place at that time of day. The women would come to get water early in the morning or in the evening when it was cooler.
7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”
8 (For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.)
9 The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?” (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)
—> Probably the first time a Jew has ever asked her for a drink. Drinking from the jar would have made a Jew ceremonially unclean.
John 4:10-
10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”
11 The woman said to him, “Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water?
12 Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.”
—> Confusion, very similar to that of Nicademous.
—> Jesus is speaking with heavenly implications and she is only hearing with ears of this world
—> how many times do we miss messages because we aren’t listening the right way? We expect an answer for the here and now but instead Jesus wants to talk about eternity.
13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”
—> Jesus explains what kind of water he has but she still only thinks of physical water. Just like Nicodemus did.
—> This goes to show it isn’t about head knowledge but about the knowledge of the heart, when it comes to things of Christ.
John 4:16-
16 Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.”
17 The woman answered him, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’;
18 for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.”
19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.
20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.”
21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.
22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.
23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.”
26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.”
16-19 —> Jesus displays his power and shows her the knowledge she has
20 —> she still doesn’t understand who Jesus is, she keeps treating him like all other Jewish religious people.
—> Jesus is unlike anything she has ever known.
21-24 —> Jesus talks about true worship.
—> Jesus acknowedges his Jewish herritage but opens up worship to all places, all people, and at all times.
—> God is Spirit —> There is nothing physical about God, therefore God isn’t tied to any place on earth. He is in it and above it all. He transcends our concept of space and time.
25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.”
26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.”
—> Jesus reveals himself.
—> He does this rarely in Scripture because he fears the people around him will try and make him lead a political uprising, but he is comfortable revealing himself here in Samaria away from most Jewish people.
31 Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”
32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.”
33 So the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought him something to eat?”
34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.
36 Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.
37 For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’
38 I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
John 4:
28 So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,
29 “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?”
30 They went out of the town and were coming to him.
John 4:
39 Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.”
40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days.
41 And many more believed because of his word.
42 They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”
John 4:
—> She left her jar, she left what she was doing because she knew now who she was talking to.
—> She left her jar, she left what she was doing because she knew now who she was talking to.
—> she begins to share with them